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Privacy Policy

Use of information collected involves implementation of the commercial transaction you wish with our store, as also as sending information and offers for promotional purposes for the best possible service and your update. In order to provide you the relative offers and information , personal data may be analysed. recognizes the importance of security of electronic transactions and has taken all necessary measures to ensure maximum safety.

All information which relate to personal data of users are safeguarded as confidential. We confirm that only authorized employees, who are the employees and agents of the company, have access to information and transactions, and only when necessary (e.g. for processing orders) within the handling of trainee contract. The personal data stated in the online store with the brand "MORTOGLOU SHOES since 1985"will be kept confidential and used solely by or affiliated with this business, to support, promote and execute the trading relationship.

Natural and legal persons who cooperate with have the right to process the personal data that users enter into it, only at the level needed to provide support to the The customer orders will be filed by the company and will be kept on file for as long as required by the legislation governing the maintenance of books and records of traders (Code of Books and Records - Presidential Decree 186/1992).

Services Operation

The supervisor company reserves the right to modify and / or discontinue temporarily or permanently some or all of services with or without notice to users / members and the right to discontinue the use of personal access to accounts services and / or terminate the access of content to users / members believed to have violated the afro mentioned terms of use.

The supervisor company also reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice, unilaterally the content and information contained on the website that is related to the posted products.

Advertising / Other links (links)

The "K.I.M. BAUHAUS WIFE. DIM. MORTOGLOU & CO L.P. " has no responsibility for the communication of the users / members with third party services advertised on and for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between them .
The " K.I.M. BAUHAUS WIFE. DIM. MORTOGLOU & CO L.P "does not control the availability, content, policy of protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of other web sites and pages that are referred through " links "or through advertising banners at www, and is not linked to them in any other way.